Apr 30, 2014
1. You must be relaxed, not anxious 2. Let go of control 3.
Dedicated time for production and relaxation 4. Non Negotiable Time
5. Focus with relaxed intensity 6. Being effective VS neurotic 7.
You must be organized 8. Delegating & Outsourcing 9. A very simple
system to succeed 10. No worry - Big Production 11. Living...
Apr 23, 2014
1. Addicted to the struggle 2. Why you procrastinate 3. "I'm not
sure if I can handle Success" 4. Success separates you from the
people you grew up with 5. Guilt and Money - Guilt and Struggle 6.
Letting go of Guilt and Struggle 7. Changing your identity 8.
Success is a process. "One day at a time" 9. Changing Habits...
Apr 16, 2014
1. The science of attraction 2. Energy and Vibrations 3. Who do you
attract friends, spouses, teammates 4. Changing who I attract 5.
Why I do what I do determines who I attract 6. Words are law, Words
do not return void 7. Letting go of disappointment and anxiety 8.
Comfortable with self, comfortable with influence and...
Apr 9, 2014
For the past four years Alexis Romano has coached, inspired, and
motivated hundreds of people and helped transformed their lives;
not only physically, but financially, emotionally, and spiritually.
She has replaced her six figure income as a high school counselor
for over 20 years and is assisting others on her team to...
Apr 2, 2014
Who is Chris Schar? Chris is a multi-skilled entrepreneur in real
estate, construction, network marketing, and internet marketing.
Along with these professions Chris is also the father of three kids
and runs an organic farm with his wife in the Gold Country of
California. Chris is a multiple 6 figure income earner and...