Jul 26, 2017
Here is what you will learn about on this episode: 1) Passive
aggressive people 2) Understanding predictability 3) Validating,
justifying, explaining - Why you do what you do 4) Anxiety about
the outcome 5) What do I say? 6) Letting go - Not intimidated 7)
Asking questions to neutralize the situation 8) Maintain...
Jul 19, 2017
Tenacity means never quitting, not giving up, and staying in the
process long enough to master the emotions, so you can master the
skills. On this week's episode you are going to learn how to
increase your tenacity. Here is what you are going to learn: 1) You
are committed 2) Committed to the skills 3) Mastering your...
Jul 12, 2017
For you to be able to take yourself and your enterprise to the next
level you require enhancing your law of averages. To enhance your
law of averages you must master prospecting and the psychology of
persuasion. Here is what you are going to learn on this week
episode: 1) The science of asking a question 2) Why we...
Jul 5, 2017
1) Inner Knowing 2) Consciousness & Awareness 3) Creativity &
Innovation 4) No separation from the outcome 5) Synchronicity 6)
KNOW - Trusting what you know 7) Eliminating Doubt 8) Trust-
Communication without doubt 9) Present moment consciousness 10)
Attention - Listening - Memory 11) Living & letting go 12) living