Aug 30, 2022
Here is what you will discover on this week's training:
1) The Events that Shape Your Feelings
2) Wired to Be an Addict
3) Acceptance
4) Trauma Bonds, Panic Patterns
5) Sobriety, Recovery, Consciousness
6) The Daily Discipline
7) Mastering Letting Go
Aug 24, 2022
Here is what you will discover on this week's training:
1) What do you say when you talk to yourself?
2) Anxiety, fear, & doubt self talk
3) Change your language change your life
4) Words do not return void
5) The process of changing your language
6) Kinda, I guess, I don't know
7) Always Letting Go
Aug 18, 2022
Here is what you will discover on this week's training:
1) Intuition consciousness
2) Learning to trust your feelings
3) Why you don't trust yourself, doubt
4) Developing your intuition, experience
5) The power of a decision
6) Gaining the experience
7) Inner knowing
Aug 9, 2022
Here is what you will discover on this week's training:
1) Clarity, Action, Results
2) Why You Lack Clarity
3) Focusing on What You Don't Want to Have Happen
4) Vision of the Outcome You Seek to Create
5) What You Do Daily to Create Results
6) Knowing, Believing
7) Clarity Consciousness
Aug 3, 2022