Mar 29, 2012
The 20,000 meals with the wrong financial planners. Your past money
mentors Your conditioning with money Your dialogue with money today
The transformation, changing your feelings, words, and dialogue
with money Your money mentors today. The power of association
Letting go of old beliefs with: A. Money B. Rich People C....
Mar 22, 2012
Who do you know? The reasons you don't call who you know Who do you
know of? Making the list and most importantly, developing the list
objectively Don't pre-judge, trust your intuition Calling the list
and what to ask Repetition and experience, asking the same question
over and over Ask for referrals Business cards you...
Mar 14, 2012
1.The way you do one thing, is the way you do everything
2.Organized or Unorganized - Which One 3.Being organized is a
skill, habit, system, method, routine 4.Why you are not organized
a.Rebellion b.Overwhelmed 5.Are you addicted to being unorganized?
6.Where do I start - "One day at a time" a.Break it down "Bite
Mar 7, 2012
Who is Susan Sly? Only the highest paid woman in Network Marketing!
If you are ready to take your life and your business to the next
level, and achieve success beyond your wildest dreams, you deserve
to connect with Susan on our MHT Call!! Susan Sly is a Network
Marketing Millionaire, a Mompreneur, Speaker, Author,...
Mar 2, 2012
1.Why most people have challenges focusing a.Being Overwhelmed
b.Procrastination c.Low Self-Esteem (Deserve Issues) 2.How to
improve your focus 3.Focus on what will bring the quickest result
(Return on Energy) 4.Focus is Clarity 5.It's not Hocus-Pocus, it's
Focus 6.Focus is asking for what you deserve 7.Focus is...