Jul 31, 2012
<ul><ul> <li style="list-style: none;">Leads (more leads than time)</li> <li style="list-style: none;">Qualify the lead (trial close)A. Small TalkB. Fact FindingC. Rapport Building</li> <li style="list-style: none;">Scheduling the AppointmentA. 50-75% Show-Up RateB. Here what they mean, not say</li> ...
Jul 25, 2012
1. What is a Breakthrough? 2. The impact of physical and emotional
breakthroughs. 3. Breaking through when the pain is great enough.
4. Cause and Effect. 5. When to Breakthrough and when to Let Go. 6.
Why Breakthroughs are temporary for most people. 7. The two week
habit. 8. How to know what to Breakthrough. 9....
Jul 18, 2012
One of the most common problems I see in free enterprise and
entrepreneurship is that people quit too often. Not only to do they
quit too soon, they never even start and they often quit too easily
and too often. They then go back to what already wasn't working for
them, usually a job, and give up on their dreams. I...
Jul 18, 2012
Did you know that sales professionals are among the highest paid
professionals in the world? Have you ever considered that once you
master how to produce within the sales industry, you will have
unlimited earning potential for the rest of your life? That's how
powerful the sales industry is, and regardless of the...
Jul 10, 2012
1. Debt is a way of life for most of society. 2. How you get
conditioned to be in debt. 3. Changing your dialogue with money &
how to talk to yourself. 4. The discipline to overcoming your
debting challenges. 5. Asset debt vs. Liability debt. 6. Changing
your money mentors. 7. Leverage: A. Two Jobs - Two Careers B....