Jan 29, 2014
1. Leads 2. More leads than time 3. What to say - What to ask 4.
The first 30 seconds 5. The sequence of questions 6. Scheduling the
appointment 7. Qualifying for your time 8. The fortune is not in
the follow up. The fortune is in the close 9. Handling the
objections 10. The 5 most common objections 11. The take away...
Jan 22, 2014
1. Why do you hold on? 2. The events that shape our identity 3. The
addictions that are created by anger 4. Angry all the time /
Addicted to disappointment 5. Stuffed Anger 6. Passive Aggressive
anger 7. Sabotage anger 8. Too angry to succeed 9. The effects of
anger on the Body, Neck, Back, Cancer, M.S 10. Aware of...
Jan 15, 2014
1. Character building moments 2. Why most people succumb to
adversity 3. Too much adversity, letting go of the drama and chaos
4. Live in the solution 5. Break it down 6. Let go of being
overwhelmed 7.Develop great habits 8. Keep producing in spite of
adversity 9. One day at a time 10. Outsource to others who...
Jan 8, 2014
1. Where you were, Where you are, Where you will be 2. What is
required for you to breakthrough 3. Commitment to excellence 4.
When the pain is great enough 5. Reasons bigger then problems 6. A
lifetime of habits / Changing habits that don't serve you 7.
Clearly defined short-term goals 8. Awareness 9. Comfortable...
Jan 2, 2014
1. New goals and resolutions 2. Why most of society does not
achieve their goals 3. Change your strategy change your results 4.
Your goals are a direct reflection of what you do or don't do daily
5. Clearly defined short-term goals 6. 90 day goals, 30 day goals,
weekly goals and daily goals 7. Vision of your future,...