Mar 25, 2015
For the past five years Alexis Romano has coached, inspired, and
motivated hundreds of people and helped transformed their lives;
not only physically, but financially, emotionally, and spiritually.
She has replaced her six figure income as a high school counselor
for over 20 years and is assisting others on her team to...
Mar 18, 2015
Joe Dispenza, D.C., is the best-selling author of Evolve Your
Brain: The Science of Changing Your Mind (2007) and Breaking the
Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One
(2012), both of which detail the neuroscience of change and
epigenetics. His latest book, You Are the Placebo: Making Your...
Mar 11, 2015
1. All communication is meaningful 2. The dynamics of asking 3.
Love yourself, love people 4. Letting go of pain 5. Letting go of
the outcome 6. Small talk 7. Fact finding 8. Rapport building 9.
Leading conversation 10. Meaningful conversation 11. Conversation
for purpose 12. Becoming a master...
Mar 4, 2015
1. Winning is an attitude 2. Average to exceptional 3. Develop your
why 4. Anchoring your why 5. Winning is contagious 6. Winners are
competitive 7. Winners rise to the occasion 8. Win gracefully, lose
graceful 9. Learn the Law of Averages and how to have the averages
on your side 10. Winners can effect a whole team,...