Jan 31, 2018
1) Winning is an attitude 2) Average to Exceptional 3) Develop your
why 4) Anchoring your why 5) Winning is contagious 6) Winners are
competitive 7) Winners rise to the occasion 8) Win gracefully, lose
a graceful 9) Learn the law of averages and how to have the
averages on your side 10) Winners can effect a whole team,...
Jan 24, 2018
1) Are you accountable to yourself? 2) Defining accountability for
you 3) Word is law, word choices 4) Overwhelmed, Unorganized 5)
Dedicated blocks of time to tasks and duties 6) What do you avoid?
7) Chronically late: The HIGH from last minute behaviors 8) The
transformation and recovery 9) Follow up, follow through...
Jan 17, 2018
1) Words do not return void 2) What you speak is what you attract
3) The language of avoidance, "what I need to do" 4) The events
that shape your language 5) "I guess, kinda, sorta, um well..." 6)
"I'm always worried" 7) Change your words change your results 8)
The language of persuasion 9) Letting go of events that...
Jan 10, 2018
1) Education 2) Integration 3) Production Results 4) Being Busy 5)
Being Successful 6) Daily method of operation 7) What you do daily,
what you accomplish in 90 days 8) Master the skills of your
vocation 9) The vision, the results 10) The discipline, repetition
& experience 11) Relaxed production 12) Autosuggestion,...
Jan 3, 2018
1) Why you are not good enough 2) The cause that creates the effect
3) The significance of the events 4) Changing your feelings, change
your behaviors 5) Words are law 6) The power to change - CHOICE 7)
Letting go of control 8) Change your story - The events 9)
Communicating with yourself 10) What you do daily 11) In...