Mar 11, 2020
Here is what you will learn on this week's training:
1. Characteristics of low self-esteem
2. The cause creating the effect
3. Low vibration - LOW ENERGY
4. Low self-esteem
5. Living in resentment, anger, and un-forgiveness
6. Blaming mentality
7. Being a victim is a choice
8. Your limiting beliefs
9. Chang your...
Mar 11, 2020
Here is what you will learn on this week's training:
1. What or whom are you holding onto?
2. Why you hold on to the past
3. Dwelling in the past keep you from moving forward
4. Controlling the outcome
5. Letting go of your story
6. Taking responsibilty
7. Living in the present
Mar 11, 2020
Here is what you will learn on this week's training:
1. Your critical advisor... Whose voice am I hearing?
2. Internalizing authority figures
3. The function of your inner critic • Attune for guilt • Protection from rejection • Push you to achieve • Control negative feelings • To do right and feel right
Mar 11, 2020
Here is what you will learn on this week's training:
1. Rejection consciousness
2. Living in denial
3. Living in victimhood
4. Living in struggle
5. Releasing anger and blame
6. Confronting your excuses
7. Healing the past... the power of forgiveness
8. Accepting others
9. Accepting yourself
Mar 11, 2020
Here is what you will learn on this week's training:
1. What it means to be codependent
2. Events that cause rescue behavior
3. What is co-dependency?
4. Caretaking
5. Low-self worth
6. Control of the outcome
7. Denial of true feelings and dysfunctional situations
8. Poor communication
9. CLEAR boundaries
10. Anger