Feb 23, 2022
Here is what you will learn on this week's training:
1) Focus is a skill
2) Letting go is a skill
3) Focus on results
4) Live in the solution
5) 90 day game plan one day at a time
6) Clearly defined short-term goals
7) Daily method of operation
Feb 16, 2022
Here is what you will learn on this week's training:
1) Optimal performance
2) Focus on results
3) Living in the solution
4) Letting go of your ego
5) Repetition, experience, & the reflexes
6) Producing & living in a relaxed body
7) Living & being your best you
Feb 9, 2022
Here is what you will learn on this week's training:
1) Clarity of vision
2) When you know, you know
3) What you do daily
4) Non-attachment
5) Adapting & adjusting
6) Letting go
7) Aware, knowing, understanding
Feb 2, 2022
Here is what you will learn on this week's training:
1) The Book 12 Steps & 12 Traditions "Make Amends"
2) Making Amends
3) Forgiveness
4) The Purpose of Making Amends
5) Acceptance
6) Gratitude
7) Always Letting Go