Dec 19, 2012
From Student to Teacher Curt teaches you to Master Social Media in
7 Minutes! As a seasoned marketing consultant and strategist, Curt
Maly's decorated efforts as an entrepreneur began in corporate
America, where he worked in a consulting capacity with the likes of
Apple, Microsoft, the United States Postal Service, AOL, Cisco,
Comcast and many other large and small businesses. Leaving the
corporate world behind in order to pursue real estate investing,
Curt became a quick study of Internet marketing methods, and began
using them as a nontraditional means of advertising in order to
produce buyer and seller leads for his investment properties in TX
& AZ. Over time, he found himself more passionate about online
marketing and the use of Social Media marketing & engagement than
in real estate itself. In 2010 Curt Co-Founded "Black Box Social
Media" a company dedicated to assisting other business owners with
their online marketing efforts. Today, their social media marketing
strategies help their clients generate more leads and close more
sales even in today's challenging economic climate. Curt is also
Co-Founder of Social Media in 7 Minutes. SMI7M is a step by step
guide to give business owners to set, run & profit from online
marketing and social media in just 7 minutes per day. Today, some
of Curt's clients include Jeffery Combs, Susan Sly, Mike Dillard,
Magnetic Sponsoring, Pro Sports Teams, Best Selling Authors and
small and large businesses of different verticles from all around
the world.