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Are you afraid of the dark?…Or are you Into the Knight?…

For Moon Knight fans, old and new! The HIGH PRIESTS OF KHONSHU Rey covers everything he can on the Moon’s Knight of Vengeance- latest news, rumours and wishes; current runs and classic arcs; spotlights on key characters; TV and film as well as video games and action figures!

Nothing left is sacred…except perhaps their reverence for Khonshu…come listen to the podcast or join Rey hemabd a rotating cast of co-hosts  social on media…let us be the voices in YOUR head!

Podchaser - Into the Knight - A Moon Knight Podcast

ITK Newsletter, no. LXXIX: LUNAR-PICK Modern Run Review: Polls Are In!

Feb 27, 2019

Moon Knight Vol 6 1

A-HOIBLES, Loony Listeners!!

It's your ever loyal High Priest here once again to dish out the entrees for the main course over the weekend that is our show!

As a few of you are aware, we put a poll up on both our Facebook and Twitter accounts to ask the Loony Listeners themselves what run they would like to see covered for the next LUNAR-PICK Modern Run review!

We recently wrapped up the all-popular Warren Ellis/Declan Shalvey run for our Modern Run, so we had a clean slate to start another arc...whichever tickled our fancy.

I'm pleased to announce the results of our little poll...but first, here is what you're going to get on our upcoming 87th episode (uh, well, you've probably seen the big, ginormous image at teh top of the newsletter too! Duh, me!! ) ...




So for those who enjoy their stats, here was the breakdown of how the poll went -

Which next modern run would you like us to cover?

  • Brian Wood - 20%
  • Cullen Bunn - 20%
  • Brian Michael Bendis - 20%
  • Charlie Huston - 17%
  • Polls are Fun (...thanks, 'Cold Case'! hehehe) - 10%
  • Gregg Hurwitz - 8%
  • Mike Benson - 5%

Yep, it ended up being a three-way tie between Wood, Bunn and Bendis!

After much hair-pulling and pressure due to the impending deadline of the newsletter, I conferred with my fellow High Priest - Connor(Shu) - to see what could be done.

We pulled our creative minds together and it came down to an old fashioned dice roll! Wood would get 1,2; Bunn would get 3,4; and Bendis would get 5,6...

This is what Connor(Shu) showed me (courtesy of a Yugioh App!)

And so it was settled...and Bendi reigns supreme!!

This should be a very interesting review and more importantly, I will be very keen to hear what you, fair Loonies, have to say!!

Below is a list of ways you can contact us apart from the discussion threads - 

If you DON'T want your comments broadcast, please just add, "(DNB)" at the end of your comment, and we'll be sure not to broadcast it. We'll pick a few comments from here and discuss on the show!

So there you have it - not only has Khonshu decreed we do a Modern Run, but now Yugioh has stamped their ever mighty presence into the denizens of the night and have thrust upon us like a hyperactive spider-monkey, the Bendis run for us to enjoy for at least the first arc of his run!!

Again, we'll be testing out our capabilities over on Discord, so please note that we will be on air live at the following dates with a few times to give you an idea, depending on where you are in the world!...

ITK Virtual Recording Studio

Friday 1st March

9pm (GMT +11 hours) - Sydney

8pm (GMT +10 hours) - Brisbane

2am (GMT -8 hours) - Port Angeles / Los Angeles

10am (GMT +0 hours) - London

5am (GMT -5 hours) - New York

Finally, as always, I'll post up a discussion thread, to make it easier for you to drop comments in , on our social will kinda let the cat out of the bag, as I'll post it shortly after releasing this newsletter...but what the hey! The more time there is to get your feedback in, hopefully the more feedback! :)

Anyhow, that's it from me for this newsletter - thanks once again for sticking around and I do hope you've been enjoying our episodes so far. I've done a bit of recording ahead, so there are some gems which I can't talk about but they'll be revealed closer to the date, so can't wait to share with you all!

Righto - time to send this out, post up a discussion thread...then read some Superman (random, I know...but it's homework for the 'other' podcast! :P)

 Be good to Khonshu, y'hear!!!??

May Khonshu Watch Over the Denizens of the (K)Night,


Proud Member of The Collective