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Apr 5, 2021

Tatiana Dudziak has served on the ICAN Board of Directors since 2020. Tatiana found ICAN in 2018 after her first birth, a homebirth cesarean. She was traumatized and detached as a result of her birth, and was able to find space and healing through her local ICAN chapter meetings. After her TOLAC and birth of her second son via CBAC, Tatiana was inspired to get more involved with ICAN’s mission of education, advocacy, and support. She holds a special place in her heart for other CBAC moms and is passionate about supporting families through cesarean recovery. She believes all families should feel safe, empowered and informed surrounding their birth choices. Outside of ICAN, Tatiana serves her community as a lactation professional. She enjoys cooking, traveling, and spending time outdoors.

April is Cesarean Awareness Month (CAM). CAM focuses on all topics surrounding cesareans, including reducing preventable cesareans, supporting cesarean recovery, and advocating for vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC). You can follow along ICAN's social channels during the month of April for information on #CAM2021.

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