Apr 13, 2022
On this episode, we get loop'y with Microsoft Loop. We chat with Greg Howard -- Principal product manager for Microsoft Loop and Fluid Framework (Office Experience Organization at Microsoft). Greg takes us through what Loop is - including common use scenarios, how it adds value throughout Microsoft 365, what's out now (Loop components), behind-the-scenes integration work (OneDrive component storage), and insights into what comes next. It's gonna be a Loop-the-loop thrill ride! Hop on.
Click here for this episode's corresponding blog post.
Social and Info Links:
Greg Howard | LinkedIn | Twitter [guest]
Mark Kashman |@mkashman [co-host]
Chris McNulty |@cmcnulty2000 [co-host]
SharePoint | @SharePoint | SharePoint community blog
Main Microsoft Loop product page: https://aka.ms/Loop
Announcement blog: "Microsoft Office—Transforming for the hybrid world" [scroll to the 'Introducing Microsoft Loop. Think, plan, create--together' segment]
"Overview of Loop components in Teams" (doc.microsoft.com)
Greg Howard on the February 2022 #MSLUG chat
Microsoft Docs - The home for Microsoft documentation for end users, developers, and IT professionals.
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365 EduCon - Seattle (May.9-12.2022, Seattle, WA) (use code: KASHMAN to save $100)
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