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This podcast is all about getting started and moving past the fears and blocks and whatever else is getting the F-- in our way!

Often times it's ourselves.

Totally normal!

Doing the things talked about in the podcast works best with a community, with support and with talking about where you're at, what you're going through and whatever else may come up. 

Go to the contact page and email me your First and Last name so I can invite you to our Facebook community of innovators and creatives who are having these discussions and for more support from me! Including LIVE conversations and Q&A days and bonus: ask me whatever about podcasting!

Can't wait to meet you! Love you!


Feb 7, 2023

We worry a lot about what we what are DOING...but what about BEING? What I mean by that is this idea of something I often say, which is “you are enough” and “you already have everything you need”. But what does that really mean?

Listen in as we consider that the answers, the shifts, the transformation, all of the things are available to you NOW. Not somewhere in the future when you BECOME [fill in the black] or HAVE [fill in the blank]. It’s more about gently adding light to who you already are and allowing your true "being" to reveal itself to you and all it has to offer you to fulfill your desires.


Instagram: @intuitivecreators 




Music Credit & Licensing:

Upbeat by Jon Luc Hefferman - Production Music

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.