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The Sandersonian Institute of Cosmere Studies

Jul 31, 2024

This is it! The end of our reread of the currently-published books in The Stormlight Archive! After this, it's build-up to Wind and Truth in December, and we're thrilled for it!

The last time we read Rhythm of War, we devoted 6 episodes to it as we broke down each piece. This time, we're cramming it all into one so we...

Jul 17, 2024

Dawnshard is another example of Brandon's "shorter" work, and much like the rest of his "short" pieces, it's incredibly dense. There's a ton of character development, additional lore, answered questions and brand new mysteries! So what'd you think of it?


This episode's show notes can be found here:

Jul 3, 2024

For thousands of years, Roshar has been protected by the mysterious Oathpact. But what do we know about this arcane agreement? How does it protect Roshar? What oaths were involved? And what do we know of the ancient Heralds who made those oaths?


This episode's show notes can be found here: