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The Story of a Brand

Jan 17, 2020

In Part 2 of this feature, Maria McCool, CEO & Co-Founder of Calista Tools, continues sharing her amazing entrepreneurial journey in creating one of the leading hair care beauty brands. 
In Part 2, Maria discusses Why money didn't factor in her decision to be entrepreneur, Why you need to shake up your thinking especially when things are rough, What's the test to find out if you can make money doing what you love, Why when you love what you do it becomes contagious, How she learned about her brand while at QVC, How she has 1000 customer a week at her flagship store and why this helps her develop products, How she is helping other inventor and entrepreneurs bring products to market, and much more. 

Join us while Ramon Vela interviews Maria in Part 2 of this episode and listen to her share the inside story of a brand.
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