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May 26, 2020

You can find show notes for this episode at


It doesn’t have anything to do with the money in your bank account or the commitments on your calendar. But it is something you have the opportunity to decide. So what’s this one decision we’re talking about?


Your witness. 


As we continue to lead through a pandemic, as the days and weeks drag on, there is something unfolding that might go unnoticed if you don’t tend to it. And that is answering the question, what is your witness going to be? 


Almost 6 weeks ago, Tim and Sara made the decision to focus on loving God and loving our neighbors in the midst of this pandemic. We began focusing on the context of our current reality, exploring what it might look like to right now to love God and love our neighbor. 


Today, we invite you to consider the big question, “What is your witness?” and offer five things to consider as you evaluate both how you’re doing and how you’ll stay focused on Jesus in this season. 


As you consider the people you’re leading, these five considerations will help you reconnect with your purpose, the team you’re leading, as well as the community around you.


Join us today and make the one decision that will determine the focus of your ministry and leadership for this season.