Apr 20, 2021
Stories, history, current
reality, and Scripture come together in this week’s conversation
with Charles Boayue Jr.
Charles is a District Superintendent in the Michigan Conference of the UMC and takes us on a leadership journey to point to the importance of accountability.
You’re invited to explore both the full picture and details that accompany accountability. In the context of pastoring a local church, Charles reminds us of the importance of the calling on the gifts of the whole community to help widen your perspective and provide feedback.
Additionally, Charles highlights knowing your purpose (See Episodes 159 -162) as an essential element of mutual accountability. As you seek to understand God’s will, recognize the importance of listening and the wisdom of others. As you’ll hear, that’s where mistakes in accountability can happen.
Most of all enjoy the wisdom, grace, and stories Charles shares, inviting you on a journey of accountability that is filled with mercy, direction, and the goodness of God.
Mentioned in this Episode