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Aug 28, 2018

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Episode 020: Let Me Tell You a Story

When it comes to communicating with a group of people, how do you prepare? Are you a verbal or written processor?

In this episode, Tim and Sara have a conversation about the different ways we go about preparing to share with others. Sara tends to write to think through a process or idea. Tim tends to talk about what he is preparing to get to the essence of his message.

These are two different ways to approach a similar task. We'll break down the why, how, and what of a message and share a few examples of recent opportunities to communicate - while poking a little fun at ourselves along the way! 

Whether you're writing a blog, preparing a sermon, or trying to lead others through a meeting, our communication brings our story - and more importantly - God's story, to life. Everything we communicate in the life of the church is about leading people to live into God's mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

What story are you telling with why, how, and what you communicate? Listen to Episode 02o to reflect on how you share God's story with others.

Mentioned in This Episode

Blog Posts:

Other Episodes Mentioned: 

Episode 002: Hospitality

Episode 003: Offering Christ

Episode 004: Practices

Episode 005: Engagement

Books Mentions:

Books by Fred Craddock: