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Jun 29, 2021

What is fun for you?

Yes, we’re really asking. 

Here’s why: this week and next, the episodes are filled with fun and joy. You’ll hear from 16 leaders over the next two weeks. Each one shares their insights in joy-filled ways, even when they struggle with rest, relaxation, and play.

As we dive into part 1 of...

Jun 22, 2021

Rest, relaxation, and play are possible...even with demanding schedules. 

Ministry and leadership are demanding. There's no way around that fact. But, ministry and leadership are life-giving when we care for ourselves as leaders. 

In today's short episode we offer two ideas to make rest, relaxation, and play possible in...

Jun 15, 2021

We have a big question, but a short episode for you this week. It continues our theme of rest, relaxation, and play. Here it is:

What are the ingredients for joy and meaning in your life? 

“Ingredients for Joy and Meaning,” is all about taking a moment to name what it looks like when things are going really well...

Jun 8, 2021

Are you ready for a different angle on rest, relaxation, and play? This week, tune in as we talk to someone whose work it is to facilitate the experiences that most of us participate in for entertainment, relaxation, and fun.


Amy Burgess is a mom, the Rosie Red mascot for the Cincinnati Reds, as well as an...

Jun 1, 2021

Where do those three things fall on your priority list?


If you’re like many people these are the first things that fall off our priority list when busyness creeps in. Did you know that 35% of Americans don’t get 7-9 hours of sleep a night? Or that  77% of the US workforce does not take all the paid time off they...