Dec 22, 2019
In this special Christmas episode, we chat about the 2005 Rick Steves’ Europe PBS special “European Christmas.”
We talk about visiting European Christmas markets, the magic of Christmas food in Europe, and the right and wrong way to watch this special.
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Dec 3, 2019
In this episode, we chat about the 2018 Rick Steves’ Europe episode “Greek Islands: Santorini, Mykonos, and Rhodes.”
We talk about the ethics of cruising, our favorite Greek island travel experiences, and why we like traveling Greece off-season.
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Nov 4, 2019
In this episode, we chat about the 2004 Rick Steves’ Europe episode “London: Mod and Trad.”
We'll talk about the British Museum, exploring the South Bank, and if there's enough "Mod" mixed in with the "Trad."
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Oct 8, 2019
In this episode, we chat about the 2014 Rick Steves’ Europe episode “European Travel Skills: Part II.”
Jason Moore from the Zero to Travel podcast joins Chris for a VERY SPECIAL episode discussing all things packing, travel safety, and how much trip planning is enough (and how much is too much).
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Sep 22, 2019
In this episode, we chat about the 2014 Rick Steves’ Europe episode “Prague.”
Allison Green (from Sofia Adventures and Eternal Arrival) fills in for Stephanie to chat with Chris about Prague, a city Allison lived in back in 2009 and recently got to revisit. They chat about if British stag parties are...