Nov 29, 2023
In this episode I am Joined by my good friend Thomas Connell, Jr. Tom's father, Thomas Connell, Sr., was a local Police Sergeant (Templeton, MA PD) and passed away in 2014 after being retired for many years. He had written down many of his more notable calls but never had the chance to get them out to the world. Tom...
Nov 22, 2023
This week we have the other half of the War Stories Official Podcast, Chuck! The past 12 years Chuck has been working for a large SoCal agency and has responded to some INTENSE calls. He shares some of his memorable stories along with some great insight to what it's like working for a large SoCal department. Check out...
Nov 15, 2023
Tom was a police officer in Socal for 13 years before sustaining a career ending injury. While on the job he worked on the DOJ Undercover Task Force accruing some great stories from his career that only SoCal can produce! He is also one of the hosts of the popular show War Stories Official Podcast! Links...
Nov 8, 2023
Alan Chiasson's career path has certainly been an interesting one. From firefighter to holding a peace officer's commission to tactical paramedic and finally working as a military contractor. Alan was part of a group overseas known as the Pony Express. They completed all types of missions including getting the troops...
Nov 1, 2023
David Jones started his police career in the US Army as a K9 Officer. He then went on to work as a K9 Officer and trainer for the Pulaski County Sheriff’s Office in Missouri. David has some great stories from his career! David currently breeds and trains K9's through his company, Hold The Line K9.