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Wonderfully Made

Jan 23, 2017

The Life of a Travel Nurse || Morgan Booth is a travel nurse who is from Chattanooga, Tennessee. She has traveled the world and utilized her skills as a nurse both in vocational and volunteer capacities. Join Rachel and Morgan today as we chat about her unique role as a travel nurse and the incredible ways she’s...

Jan 17, 2017

Grace Over Guilt || Allie interviews Robin Long, Pilates instructor and founder of The Balanced Life. With each new year that rolls around, we often place pressure on ourselves to get even more fit or finally reach our ideal weight. Robin offers a refreshing message of grace over guilt. She shares about her personal...

Jan 9, 2017

A Peek Into the Wedding Planning Industry || Christyn Wilkins is the Co-Founder of We Tie The Knots, a luxury wedding planning company with franchises in Georgia, Colorado, Massachusetts, and North Carolina. Christyn’s career initially began in sports broadcasting in Los Angeles and through a series of events, she...