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Wonderfully Made

Jan 25, 2021

Join Allie Marie Smith for this time of guided scripture reflection as we meditate on John 15. Discover how to truly bloom whatever season you are in. You are invited to set aside this time as you reflect on your life and the things that are keeping you from living fully alive. May you bloom as you abide in...

Jan 18, 2021

Hannah Brencher, encourager and author of the new book "Fighting Forward: Your Nitty Gritty Guide to Beating the Lies that Hold You Back" joins us to remind us to stay in the fight no matter how hard life gets. Hannah shares her story of experiencing a nervous breakdown which in a moment turned her from...

Jan 5, 2021

Every time a new year comes around we are bombarded with products or programs that promise to change our lives and transform us into our ideal selves with our ideal lives. We are often tempted to pursue perfection, setting ourselves up for failure and cycles of guilt and shame. In this episode, Allie Marie Smith invites...