Jan 26, 2022
In June 2021, we did a Gaslit Nation episode called “Voter Suppression Emergency” where we interviewed election integrity expert Ari Berman. Guess what? We’re still in a Voter Suppression Emergency so Ari is back to share his thoughts with us again! Ari Berman is a writer for Mother Jones who closely documents...
Jan 19, 2022
This week we examine what drove Koched-up Karen of the Senate Kyrsten Sinema to destroy voting rights on Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend. We dig into Sinema’s questionable past and shady backers and debate rumors about her political future. We also discuss how unless Congress passes voting rights protections, it...
Jan 12, 2022
It has now been over a year since the worst attack on the Capitol since 1812, and Attorney General Merrick Garland has responded to the ongoing threat of bloody sequel coups and the rapid erosion of our democracy with…a tepid speech. We break down his weasel words and analyze his “probe” that consists of...
Jan 6, 2022
We'll discuss Merrick Garland's press conference in next week's episode. For today's somber one year anniversary of Trump's attempted coup, we're sharing with the public, along with some additional commentary, our pre-announced January 6th, 2020 special that ran on Patreon. We encourage you to share with us what...
Jan 5, 2022
Welcome to the first Gaslit Nation episode of 2022! Just think, one year ago we were all sitting around in a plague waiting for an attempted coup to happen, and now we are…sitting around in a plague waiting for an attempted coup to happen. And by the same coup plotters, too because mafia state enabler Merrick Garland...