Feb 15, 2017
Berlin workers go on strike! Airport staff shut down Tegel and Schönefeld terminals on Feb 8 demanding a pay rise from €11 to €12 hour. Kindergarten staff went on strike on Feb 15, causing every second kita to close. They're seeking equal pay with Brandenburg kita workers, who get up to €400 more per month. Berlin is to get a new monument that is more like an amusement ride. The so-called Wippe, or see-saw, will be a moving platform that is supposed to reflect the motion of democracy. Federal politicians finally agreed to fund the Wippe after years of back and forth. No fixed opening date has been announced. The famous Berghain nightclub will open a new dance floor on March. Called Säule, it will feature dark experimental electronic music, and provide the club with space to squeeze in more guests. Come to our next live show! It's on Sunday Feb 19, 17.30, at the Comedy Cafe Berlin in Neukölln. Entry is free. This episode was presented by Jöran Mandik and Joel Dullroy, and brought to you by RadioEins.