Apr 6, 2018
Two men who killed a goat in the Hasenheide petting zoo have been sentenced to 10 months in jail. Their lawyer said they were hungry, and argued for leniency as they only took one leg. Also, all meat eaters are animal killers, he said. Another Berlin ban has been overturned by a court. Horses and carriages will be allowed back in front of the Brandenburger Tor, despite the city government's attempt to forbid them. The city's prohibitions on AirBnB, Uber and beer bikes have all been watered down through legal action. Spreepark at Plänterwald is now open for tours. But high levels of arsenic contamination have been found at the formerly abandoned theme park. Still want to jump the fence? As Berlin's unemployment rate falls to half of its 2005 level, Mayor Michael Müller has proposed introducing a "solidarity basic income." Unlike a real basic income, it would oblige recipients to do municipal or social work. Would creative projects like podcasts count? If you want to protest against rising rents, join the Mietenwahnsinn (Rental Madness) demo on April 14 at 2pm, starting at Potsdamer Platz. This episode was presented by Maisie Hitchcock and Joel Dullroy, and brought to you by RadioEins.