Feb 3, 2017
German federal police carried out an undercover sting targeting ticket inspectors on the Berlin S-Bahn. Five inspectors were busted fining tourists and pocketing the cash. If you're caught, ask for inspectors' ID and always get a receipt! Six months in prison for smoking on your balcony? A Hellersdorf woman has been ordered by a court to not smoke outside between 8pm and 6am, or face a fine or jail time. Her 20 cigarettes a night were bothering her neighbour. Fritz is the new Knut. Tierpark's 3-month polar bear cub has been named Fritz, short for Friedrich, which intones peace. He's half Russian. Event tip: Australian musician Darren Cross writes songs inspired by Berlin. He's playing a silent concert at Ofen Bar on Feb 7, where you wear headphones to hear the music. More here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1079325368844281/ This episode was presented by Maisie Hitchcock and Daniel Stern, and brought to you by RadioEins.