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Wealth Wisdom Financial Podcast

Aug 30, 2019

If you’ve heard of a Roth IRA, you may be wondering how different it really is from other options. We get it - we understand that it can all get a little confusing!

While a Roth IRA and other options have some similarities, they have some pretty significant differences.

If you’re looking for a long-term saving...

Aug 16, 2019

We’re back for part two of our interview with Tim Austin; the veteran of time-tested spending and saving strategies. Today, he shares 8 financial lessons that you can learn from Grandma’s Generation.

Here Are The Show Highlights:

  • A responsibility philosophy people mistakenly don’t understand (3:20)
  • Learning from...

Aug 2, 2019

Tim Austin is a veteran in the financial services industry. His passion was in helping parents solve their most immediate need - paying for their children’s college education while continuing to fund their lifestyle, pay off their home, and save for retirement. He’s a leading advocate of ‘old-fashioned’ spending...