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Wealth Wisdom Financial Podcast

Oct 25, 2023

In this week's episode, Amanda and Brandon talk about something really important - how much it costs to buy a home in 2023. They're like detectives, breaking down all the numbers to find out the truth! You see, things have changed a lot since 2019. Back then, homes were cheaper, and it was easier to get a loan to buy...

Oct 18, 2023

In this week's exciting episode, we dive into the 2023 Charles Schwab Modern Wealth Survey. We chat about a fascinating topic – how much Americans need to feel wealthy. You see, feeling wealthy isn't just about having lots of money; it's about what makes people feel rich and content in their lives. You'll hear us...

Oct 11, 2023

In this week's exciting episode, Brandon and Amanda team up to uncover some of the misleading information from the Federal Reserve Bank and spread by Dave Ramsey. They want to help you have real hope based on long term perspective so you can make informed decisions about your money. By debunking common...

Oct 4, 2023

In this week's podcast episode, Amanda and Brandon are talking about something really important called "living wages." They want to help us understand what living wages used to be a long time ago and how they are today.

Amanda and Brandon won't just talk about the past; they'll also give us some ideas on how we can...