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Outdoors with Hiking Bob

Apr 26, 2023

U.S. Forest Service Law Enforcement Officer Earl Huie is the guest on this week's podcast.  He and Bob discuss the job of a Forest Service Law Enforcement Officer and how it is the same - or different - than that of a city police officer or a sheriff, what are the challenges to enforcing the law in a national forest...

Apr 19, 2023

Bill Beagle from the Incline Friends is the guest on this week's podcast. We talk about the history of the Manitou Incline and how it became a fitness attraction, drawing not only hikers, but world class athletes.  We discuss how the Incline Friends supports the Incline,  the upcoming 10th anniversary of it becoming...

Apr 12, 2023

On this week's podcast, U.S. Forest Service Ranger Carl Bauer returns. The ranger for the Pikes Peak District of the Pike National Forest, Bauer discusses how this district compares to other forests he's worked in, and the specific challenges and benefits to the Pikes Peak District. He also discusses on-going fire...

Apr 5, 2023

On this week's podcast, Bob and co-host Kevin discuss Bob's recent trip to Big Bend National Park.  Also, Colorado's new Centennial park pass for low income residents, and the Columbine park pass for disabled residents.

Off the Beaten Path Adventures:
