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Cwic Media- LDS Podcast / Latter-day Saints

Dec 13, 2018

Dinner With Millennials- Why Some Millennials Leave the Church- Pt 1


A family, faith-based discussion on some of the reasons why the younger generations might leave the LDS church.


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Sep 22, 2018

- If there was not a human 'spirit', only biology, could we have free agency?

- What determines free agency?

- Sam Harris and free agency.

- Does evolutionary psychology explain our free will?

-  Is evolution a part of Mormonism?

- Why is the individual so important?


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Sep 1, 2018

The first of a 3-part series.

- Faith is NOT Belief!

- What faith is and what it isn't. If you have thought that faith is belief, you may change your mind.

- What Sam Harris gets right.

- A personal example of doubt and success in Mormonism.

- Detailed evidence on defining faith and how it fits as the starting point in...

Aug 21, 2018

- A Family Discussion on LDS Women in the Mormon Community

 - Plop down a microphone in the middle of the dinner table. Politics, social issues and the church.

- Full-time work vs full-time mothering. Confonting the issue vs. guilt. Modesty? Mormon issues. I mean Latter-Day-Saint LDS issues. You're invited.


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Aug 13, 2018

Biblical Hebrew expert translates the Genesis 'Eden' as 'Bountiful' as is found in the Book of Mormon.


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Cwic Media LDS, Mormon...