Jun 26, 2019
'A New Shepherd'
- Golden Plate engravings like the wounds of the Savior
- John specifically writes to testify of 'The Son of God'
- John recounts Jesus' miracles in Galilee
- The word 'love' in the ancient world
- Peter given 'keys to the car', time to drive!
'He is...
Jun 24, 2019
'He's First, Wounds & Kintsugi'
- Jesus is the 'Firstfruits', we are Next
- Looking for Christ in all the wrong places
- Our wounds become our identity, healed or not
- Kintsugi, how, like the Savior, we can wear our wounds well
'He is Risen'
Come Follow Me for...
Jun 20, 2019
'Robes, Trees & Nails'
- Simon of Cyrene
- The parallels of The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and The Cross
- It's the law that kills Jesus
- Did Jesus wear priestly robes?
'It Is Finished' Part 2
Come Follow Me for Individuals and...
Jun 18, 2019
- Josiah, Jeremiah & Lehi
- Laman & Lemuel
- Abinadi was killed because he preached about Jehovah being born into mortality (The Son of God) and bearing the sins of the world.
- The times of Jesus
Cwic Media
Jun 17, 2019
'The Fourth Interpreter'
- The Laws of this World fight against the Doctrine of Christ
- The title, Son of God is not always the same as 'The Messiah'
- Scriptural examples of The Nehor Principle