Sep 30, 2019
'Father & Son, Jew & Gentile'
- Paul, time and again distinguishes between the beings of The Father and The Son
- The Temple Imagery of 'The Footstool'
- Isaiah 52:7
- Written to the 'Gentiles'
- The Temple Imagery of the Jews and the Gentiles by Paul
- What was understood about the Gentiles receiving the gospel...
Sep 29, 2019
'Sarah & Hagar, Higher & Lower Laws'
- The title, 'Son of God' meaning
- Abraham, Sarah & Isaac as the Higher Law, Hagar & Ishmael as the
Lower Law
- Bear each others burdens
- Be responsible for your own agency, create your own
Sep 24, 2019
'Law & Curses, Faith & Oaths'
- Why did Paul go to Arabia?'
- Paul's contention with Peter on Circumcision for Gentiles
- The 'Law' is Cursed. It is a dead law.
- Faith is coupled with 'Grace'. It is faith in God's grace.
- Faith in Jesus Christ makes us the 'seed' of Abraham
- Paul covers the 'Oath and Covenant' of the...
Sep 22, 2019
'A Thorn In The Flesh'
- Weakness is humility
- Starting with weakness is better than starting with strength
- Recognizing deceivers
- Recognizing our weaknesses is the first step toward strength
Cwic Show Podcast:
Come Follow Me for Individuals and...
Sep 16, 2019
'Jesus Christ, Giving & Baseball'
- The name Jesus Christ
- How we should give in the church and generally
- How equality is properly pursued
- Forced equality is catastrophic
- A baseball story
Come Follow Me for Individuals and Families