Feb 27, 2020
'The Doctrine of Christ'
- How we might understand better the Doctrine of Christ
- Nephi was given the Doctrine of Christ with Lehi's Dream
- John the Baptist- Again!
- The Doctrine of Christ and The Higher & Lower Laws
Come Follow Me for Individuals...
Feb 24, 2020
'The Learned & The Rich'
- The adversary's dual strategy of removing the Doctrine of Christ and shutting out revelation
- The learned and the rich of worldy knowledge and economy
- 'Hell' as 'consequences'
- We all play a part in the Abrahamic Covenant
- The War in Heaven is about Pride
- Our Values Hierarchies...
Feb 17, 2020
'The Meaning of Isaiah'
- Clues to reading these Isaiah chapters are found in Nephi's
- Isaiah focuses on Christ, Covenant and the Higher & Lower
- The meaning of the title, Immanuel
- Trying to save ourselves vs having Faith in Jesus Christ
- When lower values are raised in society, society falls...
Feb 13, 2020
'I Say, Uh 'Isaiah'
- Why Nephi obsesses about Isaiah
- Nephi drops us right into the meat of Isaiah
- Nephi and Jacob create the anchors to launch their new 'Jerusalem'
- Nazarenes or 'Nozrim'?
Come Follow Me for Individuals and Families
Feb 7, 2020
'Joseph of Egypt'
- Joseph gave some of the greatest prophecies found in the brass plates
- Speaking to his son Joseph, Lehi talks of his ancestor Joseph who talks of a seer in the last days named Joseph.
- The 'weakness' of prophets
- Repentance might be delayed because of pain
- 'Skin of blackness' is a symbolic...