Apr 30, 2020
- Ideas on defending the LDS Church and its doctrine
- There is a large, ignored gap between LDS scholarship and the 'garden-variety' member of the church.
- How is LDS scholarship doing?
- Orthodox and Progressive Latter-Day-Saints
- What's going on at BYU?
- We need a more confident way to promote faith
- What...
Apr 29, 2020
'Becoming & The Doctrine of Christ'
- King Limhi sets up the reason for Abinadi's Death Penalty
- Becoming is a major part of The Doctrine of Christ
- We are made in the image of God, Jesus was made in the image of man
- Formula for Breaking out of Bondage
- Zeniff and back to the Land of Nephi
Apr 23, 2020
'King Benjamin & The 4 Phases of the Priesthood'
- King Benjamin's Speech passes through Faith, Hope & Charity
- The difference between Marxism and King Benjamin
- The Fluid Hierarchy, the Parable of the Talents and the Rich, Poor & Beggar
Come Follow Me for Individuals and Families
LDS Mormon
Apr 17, 2020
"Mosiah, Messiah'
- The beginning of Mosiah is not the beginning of Mosiah
- The relics are passed on to Mosiah
- King Benjamin's speech is rich in ritual
- The Fluid Hierarchy in King Benjamin's Speech
- Three words: "Servant" "Keep" "Preserve"
- The Doctrine of Christ
Come Follow Me...
Apr 15, 2020
Cristina Rosetti, PhD one of the few non-LDS Mormon scholars, talks about her experience and research with polygamy and Mormon Fundamentalists. Cristina also testified in the Utah State Senate and House advocating for Utah SB 102.
- How long did polygamy continue after 1890?
- What are some core doctrinal differences...