Nov 24, 2021
"Like a Lamb to the Slaughter"
- The power of Joseph Smith
- He knew what was coming
- The transfer of the keys of the priesthood
Website -
Nov 23, 2021
Recap of the Week!
- Comments on the Church Microaggression Email
- Elder Bednar and Choosing to be Offended
- Understanding Demons and the Context of the Sermon on the Mount
- President Oaks, The US Constitution and Ideologies Attacking It
Website -
Nov 21, 2021
President Oaks Parses Out the Constitution
From his April, 2021 General Conference talk, President Oaks analyzes the US Constitution and states that it is inspired of God and that the whole world needs to look to it and its principles of liberty and limited government. Critical Social Justice and Critical Race Theory...
Nov 18, 2021
Dan Ellsworth and I talk about whether demons are real, how their characteristics apply to you, and why you need to understand them. Dan also gives some great insight into the temptations given to Jesus by Satan and the Sermon on the Mount as a reaction to those temptations.
In many ways, this is a continuation of our...
Nov 18, 2021
Weakness and The Suffering Servant
The beginning (Section 1) and the original end (Section 133) both refer to Isaiah 53-53 and both invoke "weakness". In this episode, we journey through these two Sections and Isaiah 52-53 to put all into context. In some regards, we are all Isaiah's Suffering Servant as followers of...