Feb 28, 2022
Trudeau and Canada Move Toward "Pre-Crime" and a Social Credit System
When Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act it gave him unprecedented powers as Prime Minister. He was able to circumvent due process and the courts, compel private businesses to assist him, to detain not only the protesters but those who financially and...
Feb 23, 2022
In 1974 Neal A. Maxwell wrote a very applicable and telling article in regards to egalitarianism, equality, and secularism. It should be an anchor and reference for everyone trying to navigate the waters of Critical Race Theory, Critical Social Justice, and our changing institutions as well as parsing out a woke...
Feb 22, 2022
A recent "Whiteness" assignment from a BYU Sociology professor asks students to give examples of "whiteness" on campus. Several students give examples of Critical Race Theory exercises in class as well as CRT communications and tests.
Website - https://www.cwicmedia.com
Feb 21, 2022
The Abrahamic Covenant is covered from Abraham to Isaac to Jacob. The birthright inheritance and the birthright blessing are both representations of Exaltation. Women are represented at wells and are the "throne". Jacob's story of the birthright blessing seems to be couched in Day of Atonement imagery.
Website -
Feb 16, 2022
Short Excerpts from BYU Professors and Invited Guests
Teachings from lectures and discussions on Gender, Critical Race Theory, Liberation Theology, Feminism, Whiteness, and many other topics. The religion of academia is alive and well at BYU. This is what is being taught at Brigham Young University. We are the biggest...