Jan 30, 2024
Can a gay individual or someone with same-sex attraction be faithful in the Church? Three active Latter-day Saints, Tember Harward, Craig Newsome, and Skyler Sorensen give an emphatic, "Yes."
Separating LGBTQ activism from the individual is difficult work because the activists have been so successful in driving the narrative. While the message from the Brethren is clear from the pulpit, local leaders may not have such a clear understanding of the doctrine and policies of the church.
Tember Harward's Beacon Ministries - https://www.beaconssaministry.org/
Skyler Sorensen's Book, Exclude Not Thyself - https://www.deseretbook.com/product/6026415.html
Skyler Sorensen's Sit Down With Sky and Amanda Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/sit-down-with-sky-and-amanda/id1574970502
Website - www.cwicmedia.com