Apr 13, 2023
Duane Lee Chapman, also known as Dog the Bounty Hunter, is an American television personality known for popular TV programs following his life and adventures as a bounty hunter. Dog is deeply involved in crime fighting, advocating for tougher legislation to curb crime and is launching several media ventures including a new TV show and podcast.
Dog is a New York Times best-selling author with a new book titled “Nine Lives and Counting” coming in late 2023 or early 2024, along with a speaking tour.
Additionally, he operates the D.O.G. Foundation with his wife, Francie, whom he married in 2021. They reside in Florida.
JONES.SHOW is a weekly podcast featuring host Randall Kenneth Jones (author, speaker & creative communications consultant) and Susan C. Bennett (the original voice of Siri).
JONES.SHOW is produced and edited by Kevin Randall Jones.
Dog the Bounty Hunter Online:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DogBountyHunter
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/duanedogchapman
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialDogTheBountyHunter/
Web: https://dogfoundation.com/
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Twitter (Randy): https://twitter.com/randallkjones
Instagram (Randy): https://www.instagram.com/randallkennethjones/
Facebook (Randy): https://www.facebook.com/mindzoo/
Web: RandallKennethJones.com
Follow Randy on Clubhouse
Twitter (Susan): https://twitter.com/SiriouslySusan
Instagram (Susan): https://www.instagram.com/siriouslysusan/
Facebook (Susan): https://www.facebook.com/siriouslysusan/
Web: SusanCBennett.com
Follow Susan on Clubhouse
LinkedIn (Kevin): https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-randall-jones/
Web: KevinRandallJones.com