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ON THE KNOWS with Randall Kenneth Jones, the NEW Jones.Show Podcast

Nov 26, 2020

For this year's THANKSGIVING episode, I'm keeping it simple.

Yes, I am THANKFUL for this podcast. And I am THANKFUL I get to talk to all these amazing people. I love the laughs, the tears, the insights, and the truly life-changing advice—not just for me, but for you.

Is there anything as great as celebrating the BEST in another human being and sharing it on a podcast for the benefit of others? Why, yes, there is—sharing it IN PERSON!

By combining my love of performing with my profound admiration for my remarkable guests, I am THANKFUL I am able to present my message on another platform altogether.

And to give you a peek at RANDY LIVE ON STAGE, today's episode comes from one of my online keynote presentations from just a few months ago. As the sponsor was an arts organization, my focus that night was on the entertainment industry. However, I also love tweaking the themes, case studies, and anecdotes to meet the specific needs of any number of audiences who are Jonesing For Good.

So, you want to see me LIVE, online or in person, HIT ME UP. I'd love it. In fact, I'd be THANKFUL to hear from you!

"Randy can fire up a room in a way that makes everyone feel important."—Phil Beuth, Former President, GOOD MORNING AMERICA

"Every human being of every age can benefit from Randy's spirited tutorial on 'the importance of importance’—along with the importance of kindness."—Peggy Post, Director Emeritus, The Emily Post Institute

"Randy cleverly guides his audiences through an energetic, interactive exploration of human nature—with specific attention paid to those empowered with a sense of importance."—Lisa Guerrero, Chief Investigative Correspondent, INSIDE EDITION

"Randy is so happy, fearless and open. He is quick-witted and downright funny. Time spent with him is guaranteed to make you laugh."—Erin Brockovich, Consumer Advocate

JONES.SHOW is a weekly podcast featuring host Randall Kenneth Jones (author, speaker & creative communications consultant) and Susan C. Bennett (the original voice of Siri).


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