Nov 30, 2022
This week’s guest is Dr. Barrie Tan, Ph.D. Barrie is an expert on Vitamin E, K, COQ-10, and a variety of others. Barrie earned his PhD in Chemistry / Biochemistry, spent several years as a professor at UMass, Amherst. He has launched successful nutritional businesses, and owns an array of patents and intellectual...
Nov 23, 2022
I didn't have a podcast ready to post this week so this is what I recorded instead! A short Holiday message and wishes for this week through the new year coming up!
Hope you enjoy your holidays and the next new podcast will be up next week!
Nov 16, 2022
Today’s podcast interview is with Jeffrey Gross, M.D. a board-certified neurosurgeon who has expanded his practice to include anti-aging and cutting edge medicine. His bio from his website is below and I am including it because it’s a better summary than I could do on my own. I’m sure you’ll enjoy listening to...
Nov 9, 2022
Bogdan Chugunov is a cancer survivor who credits his use of Manuka Honey for saving his life. Bogdan was running his own licensed domestic employment agency when he was diagnosed with gastric cancer. After doing much research he found Manuka Honey and learned about its ability to keep gastric cancer mortality rates...
Nov 1, 2022
My guest this week is Doctor Bolad, a Board-Certified Physician in Cardiology, Interventional Cardiology, and Internal Medicine, as well as a few other certifications and degrees. It is a very impressive list of educational accomplishments. All of which is to say that when he talks about heart and...