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Jun 23, 2021

Talking About Menopause With Dr. Cris Azzola

This week’s podcast is a discussion about Menopause. Dr. Cris Azzola and I talked about how overwhelming it can be, how unique it is to each of us, and how much healthier it is to view it as a stage of life not as a disease or condition to be controlled and/or managed.

One area we talk about is how many menopausal symptoms are also symptoms of different issues. For instance, women with ovarian and other types of cancer can have night sweats so be sure to talk with your doctor about your symptoms as you navigate through the years of menopause.

Watch for the next interview with Cris which will be about Andropause - the male version of Menopause. Should be very interesting and enlightening.

Contact Cris at her website or email her directly at