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Extension Calling: advice for the farm, garden, and home

Sep 27, 2020

Testing your water is important for many reasons, to protect your family from biological contamination, to prevent blockages in irrigation lines, and for potential brine or methane infiltration. This week we provide a review of the fracking activity in the upper Ohio River valley and discuss what they do with the water...

Sep 20, 2020

Simple steps like storing hay on a well drained platform or covering it can reduce storage losses. Moisture content of your bales can not only lead to losses from mold and even fire. But moisture also impacts losses from sweating.  Tune in to learn how to best store your hay, even when harvest conditions are...

Sep 13, 2020

For Fall Prevention Month we invite Lorrissa Dunfee, Family and Consumer Science Educator from Belmont County to learn the risks associated with falls, at home and on the farm. Lorrissa shares that while aging plays a roll in fall risk it it doesn't have to relegate you to the couch.  She says, "get moving today,...

Sep 6, 2020

Harvest season is in full swing, but do you know how to make the bounty last?  Tune in to this week's program to get the run down on how to store produce and cure potatoes, sweet potatoes, and winter squash.  This episode is great for produce growers and consumers!