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Extension Calling: advice for the farm, garden, and home

May 30, 2021

Lyme disease is on the rise in many parts of the country.  Take precautions and be prepared.  After a brief discussion on the new Asian Longhorned Tick, we discuss methods to keep you and your animals safe this summer.

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May 23, 2021

It's hard to imagine a streambank or riverbank that's not being eaten away by water. Anytime water meets bare soil erosion happens.  Through proper sloping of trails and managing healthy riparian buffers you can reduce the amount of erosion that happens in your favorite areas. Learn what plants are best and simple...

May 16, 2021

Soil compaction is a long term problem that is best to be avoided.  Keeping heavy equipment off of saturated soils is a good start.  However, with clayey soils it is often hard to avoid compaction using tillage radishes may be your answer.  Tune in to learn more!

May 9, 2021

Establishing a cover crop can add valuable organic matter, protect your soil from erosion, and prevent valuable nutrients from leeching out of the soil. This show introduces you to grass and legume species that work well along with timing for planting and methods to keep your cover crop from becoming a weed problem...

May 2, 2021

Many farmers struggle with persistent weed problems. We help you identify some of the biggest trouble makers and discuss how to best manage them.  Chemical controls are effective when timed right but they shouldn't be your primary pasture management strategy. Instead avoid natures band-aids by watching your grazing...