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Extension Calling: advice for the farm, garden, and home

Jan 30, 2022

Whether your growing grass, trees, or hydroponic spinach, healthy roots are key for healthy plants.  Many plant problems start with unhealthy roots. Maintaining proper oxygen and moisture levels can be tricky with some soils. Learn some key indicators for root issues and some steps you can take to prevent them. 

Jan 16, 2022

Food safety can benefit your produce, whether you are growing for home consumption or wholesale.  Keeping records of your activities can aid your farm's sustainability. Blend the two together through a farm food safety plan and you may just watch your production grow in profitability. 

Jan 9, 2022

Raised bed gardens can help you great good growing conditions where you once had none.  However, thinking ahead for site, design, and material considerations can take you from frustration to success.