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Extension Calling: advice for the farm, garden, and home

May 28, 2023

Pawpaws are a unique tropical fruit that grows in northern climates. It is often referred to as the "insert your state here" banana. Tune in to a recap of lessons learned in the 2023 Ohio Pawpaw Conference including tips on taproots and ripening.

May 21, 2023

A blast from the past about growing grass. Check out this show, originally aired in 2016, where we talk about how to get and maintain a healthy lawn. Hint: it has more to do with what you can't see than what you can see! We also tagged on some important Ag Minutes on hay production and tractor safety for our...

May 14, 2023

Strawberries are one of the first fruits and a great seller at Farmer's Markets. Today, we talk about varieties, planting techniques, and pest control. Whether you're a farmer or a home gardener, if you like strawberries, this isn't a show to miss!

May 7, 2023

Farmers work hard to create food from seed and soil.  It's important we support our local food system so we can keep them around! Shopping at a local farmer's market does more than just support the farmer however, there a nutritional and community benifits too!