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Extension Calling: advice for the farm, garden, and home

May 31, 2024

As we get outside more to enjoy the nice weather, it is important to remember about those little blood suckers hiding in the grass. Even well manacured lawns can be home to ticks. Know the risks, use repellents, and always do tick checks.

May 26, 2024

It's finally here! The time for planting is now! Memorial Day weekend is commonly looked to as our official frost free date and when soil temperatures are in 60's. So if you're dreaming of sweet corn roasting on an open fire later this year, it's time to get out and get it planted. 

May 21, 2024

Rhododendrons and azaleas are some of the most beautiful plants in our spring landscape. They are tough and the deer don't prize their foliage. However, they do have problems. Most often the issues are caused by poor growing conditions which invite disease to take hold. We go over some of the big ones today. Images...