Dec 30, 2018
We break out of the farm mold today to talk about the 13 things you need to do to be successful. This show is based on Zdravko Cvijectic's post on
If you would like a transcript for today's...
Dec 23, 2018
This week we discuss tips for feeding the birds this winter. We also talk about glyphosate resistance in palmer amaranth and how to make sure your bird feed doesn't contribute to this problem!
If you would like a transcript of today's show or more information on this subject, please email me at
Dec 14, 2018
Dan and Karen discuss Chainsaw safety and tips on choosing firewood to heat your home or have a pretty fire.
For transcripts or more information contact
Programs and activities offered by the West Virginia University Extension Service are available to all persons without regard to race, color,...
Dec 14, 2018
Upcoming programs for the upper Ohio Valley Region announced. Tips on growing spinach in winter from row covers to high tunnels. If you would like a transcript for today's show or more information, please contact me at
Programs and activities offered by the WVU Extension Service are available to...